How Connected Worker Solutions Help Combat Worker Shortages

Dozuki works with a chemical company that struggled with this very issue. Its feedback on using connected worker solutions championed a photo feature as part of the training. When it comes to process documentation, visuals are a key lever for upskilling new workers. 

Here’s what we learned in our work with the frontline team

By centralizing and digitizing process documentation, training materials, and best practices, these solutions ensure that valuable knowledge is preserved and easily accessible to current and future employees. 

Verdantix, a leading research firm focused on operational excellence programs at manufacturing companies around the world, recently published its Operational Excellence Global Corporate Survey. Several key takeaways relate to worker shortages and technology used by manufacturers every day.

New employees who haven’t operated the machine before often struggle to interpret the work instructions without visual references. However, with the inclusion of photos in the process, they are now becoming more engaged and enthusiastic. Witnessing this level of excitement about document creation is a refreshing change for us.

Below, we’ll break down key metrics, along with their applicability to enterprise-level manufacturing at your organization. We’ll also share use cases from our customers so you can see these principles put into action.

This statistic highlights the critical role that connected worker solutions play in enhancing worker retention within manufacturing companies. By providing employees with easy access to standardized processes, relevant training materials, and real-time guidance, connected worker solutions create a more engaging and fulfilling work environment. 

After a successful pilot at one facility, Dozuki became the guiding light for implementation across multiple locations. By leveraging digital transformation services, the customer quickly created and deployed comprehensive standards, filling the gaps in their documentation and providing employees with easily understandable digital resources.

Deloitte’s research has shown that the manufacturing industry is expected to face a staggering shortfall of millions of jobs in the next seven years. So, the effect of this labor shortage can’t be understated.

Manufacturing companies that achieve long-term success prioritize people as their starting point, with technology playing a supporting role in their operations.

This scarcity of skilled workers is a pressing concern for industry leaders, who recognize the potential consequences for production levels and overall economic growth.

While working with a leading construction manufacturer, Dozuki saved jobs by improving training effectiveness through video tutorials, ensuring that employees performed their work at the proper rate and eliminating the reliance on ineffective Excel documentation. 

These statistics highlight the value and effectiveness of connected worker solutions in enhancing workforce stability, addressing skill gaps, and preserving valuable institutional knowledge.

In summary, connected worker solutions are highly regarded by companies, with 97% recognizing their significance in improving worker retention, 89% acknowledging their role in addressing the shortage of skilled workers, and 79% emphasizing their ability to combat knowledge loss from retiring employees. 

If you have a low-skilled workforce you want to elevate, learn more about building a skill pipeline inside your company.

Can technology alone solve these workforce challenges? Based on our experience, beginning with technology alone isn’t the most effective approach.

Dozuki worked with a paperboard manufacturing company that had a high turnover rate and negative exit interview data. This indicated the need for an effective onboarding and training program to retain employees and restore their reputation as a top talent magnet. 

Deloitte’s research has shown that the manufacturing industry is expected to face a staggering shortfall of millions of jobs in the next seven years. So, the effect of this labor shortage can’t be understated.

One final statistic from the study shows that as experienced employees retire, manufacturing companies face the risk of losing critical institutional knowledge. This number emphasizes the importance of connected worker solutions in combating knowledge loss. 

Published: Monday, February 26, 2024 – 12:02

79% of companies surveyed stated that connected worker solutions help combat knowledge loss a from retiring workforce.

Together, we can forge a path forward and build a resilient manufacturing sector that thrives in the face of challenges.

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Connected worker solutions facilitate knowledge transfer, enable consistent training, and reduce reliance on tribal knowledge, thereby safeguarding the company’s intellectual capital and minimizing disruptions caused by workforce transitions.

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As we navigate the challenges of an evolving manufacturing landscape, the shortage of skilled labor continues to be a pressing issue. Recognizing the potential effect on production levels and economic growth, industry leaders are actively seeking solutions to address this labor scarcity.

The company’s training coordinator revealed a concerning fact, stating that the top 30 employees with the most experience (totaling more than 1,000 years) would be retiring within the next three years. This imminent loss of knowledge compelled the company to seek a digital solution that could help reverse this trend and provide them with a competitive advantage.

Quality Digest


97% of companies recognize connected worker solutions as significant in improving worker retention

Leveraging technology to capture and disseminate knowledge enables companies to bridge the skills gap and enhance the capabilities of their workforce. Connected worker solutions empower existing employees to upskill and adapt to new technologies while also facilitating the onboarding of new hires, mitigating the effect of low availability of skilled workers.

With 94% of employees leaving within a year, it was evident that the company’s current, outdated training program was contributing to the problem. By implementing a successful onboarding program, the company aimed to reduce turnover and establish a culture of loyalty and long-term commitment.

Improved worker retention not only reduces turnover costs but also fosters a knowledgeable and experienced workforce, leading to increased productivity and efficiency.

The manufacturing sector has always played a crucial role in the economy. But our industry has been grappling with a notable shortage of labor in recent years. 

Published by Dozuki.