The ISO 9000 Revision: Why It Matters

Think of those whys as the justification for top management to support and actively promote the implementation and maintenance of an effective quality management system. Without ISO 9000, you just have a lot of blah, blah, blah that’s imposed by a customer or some other external interested party. It lacks the foundation that transforms it from a capricious mandate into an elegant model for reliable performance that benefits both the organization and its customers.

The level of people engagement is directly relevant to the health and sustainability of the quality management system. A great example of the manifestation of this QMP might be a 5S project to reorganize a production cell. The operators and inspectors worked as a team to facilitate retrieval of raw material and tooling. Then they developed an in-process inspection routine that abbreviated the time inspectors consumed making sure they had the right gauges for a particular job. Finally, the team presented the results of their efforts and the data substantiating that their project contributed to an improved delivery performance by mitigating the amount of wasted time.


The ISO 9000 Revision: Why It Matters

Without ISO 9000, ISO 9001 lacks context

Published: Monday, February 26, 2024 – 12:03

There’s a bit of a chicken-and-egg perception of ISO 9000 and ISO 9001, with many people assuming that ISO 9001 came first and that ISO 9000 is just a nice add-on feature. In reality, without ISO 9000, ISO 9001 lacks context. ISO 9001 provides all the “shalls.” ISO 9000 gives you the “whys.”

The fundamentals describe a culture where behavior, attitudes, and processes are inculcated into the fiber of the organization to enable fulfillment of customer expectations. They include consideration of factors that can affect the organization and relevant interested parties. Those interested parties vary widely from one organization to the next, but ubiquitously include at the least customers, suppliers, and employees. This is one illustration of the concept of “risk-based thinking” found in ISO 9001. Without this contextual understanding of the relevance of various issues and interested parties, it’s difficult to decide what actions will generate the most benefit—and where failure to act engenders the most risk. It boils down to how best to allocate resources. This, in turn, can most basically be viewed as an assessment of where you’ll get the most bang for your buck.

Equally important but with considerably less ballyhoo, ISO 9000 has also embarked on its own revision process. Why is this important? What actually is ISO 9000, and why does it matter?

The real nuggets in ISO 9000 are found in the next section: Quality Management Principles.

Each QMP is formatted in the same way:
• Statement
• Rationale
• Key benefits
• Possible actions

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Some background: ISO 9000:2015—“Quality management systems—Fundamentals and vocabulary” is the normative reference for ISO 9001 and a multitude of other ISO standards. Normative in this context means “…referenced in this document and… indispensable for its application.”

Another example is the manner in which the organization interacts with its suppliers. ISO 9000 enumerates the benefits to be derived from effective relationship management. It lists the following:
• Enhanced performance of the organization and its relevant interested parties through responding to the opportunities and constraints related to each interested party
• Common understanding of objectives and values among interested parties
• Increased capability to create value for interested parties by sharing resources and competence, and managing quality-related risks
• A well-managed supply chain that provides a stable flow of products and services

The terms are often used interchangeably, which is inappropriate. A customer may require that a product that has been returned fulfill requirements or simply that it works (even if it doesn’t match all of the original requirements). It’s appropriate here to pause and remember the basic mandate that forms the foundation for ISO 9001: “…needs to demonstrate its ability to consistently provide products and services that meet customer and applicable statutory and regulatory requirements….” Therefore, if an organization doesn’t distinguish between rework and repair, it can easily fail to fulfill customer requirements and expectations.

They’re not requirements. Think of them as guiding stars. If a quality management system is effectively deployed, these characteristics will be manifest. They will be self-evident.

Terms can have subtle nuances—for example, audit evidence vs. audit findings. The point is, it’s important to know what the terms mean and to use them as intended by the standards developers. The terms in ISO 9000 are the responsibility of ISO/TC176/SC1. This subcommittee defines the terms that are used in ISO 9001 and in dozens of other management system standards that cite it as their normative reference. The working groups in SC1 include dedicated terminologists who ensure that the definitions are correct and precise, and that they aren’t riddled with contradictions or ambiguities.

Let’s look at the assessment of requirements relating to individuals’ awareness of the quality management system (ISO 9001 subclause 7.3). An auditor might look for evidence of people engagement to see if the level of awareness is effective. Do people know about the quality objectives? Are they aware of the role they play in the fulfillment or improvement of any particular one? Are they engaged in the conversation or planning of things they can do to reduce scrap or to improve on-time delivery? Do they know anything about the customer?

Quality Digest


Essentially, in order to fully understand the concepts, terms, and requirements that are found in ISO 9001, it’s important to understand how they are defined in ISO 9000. And, for the purpose of consistency and effectiveness, the terms need to be applied uniformly as they are defined.

While ISO 9000 does not enjoy the prestige of the flagship standard ISO 9001, it’s worth remembering that without the terms and fundamentals, ISO 9001 lacks the context that makes it such a powerful QMS model.