Configit Named Sample Vendor for Advanced Technologies for Manufacturers 2023

Since 2001, Configit has been delivering best-in-class configuration solutions to global manufacturing leaders. An early architect of configuration life cycle management, Configit’s multipatented Virtual Tabulation technology is the engine that powers the Configit Ace platform, creating a single source of configuration truth.

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Configit Named Sample Vendor for Advanced Technologies for Manufacturers 2023

Recognition for configuration life cycle management

Configit is named as a sample vendor in the category of configuration life cycle management. As a critical component in the design, manufacturing, sale, and service of complex, configurable products, CLM delivers the scale manufacturers need to increase productivity, improve quality, and drive innovation.

(Configit: Copenhagen, Denmark) — Configit, a global leader in configuration life cycle management (CLM), has been recognized as a sample vendor in the Gartner Hype Cycle for Advanced Technologies for Manufacturers 2023.

Johan Salenstedt, Configit CEO, says, “We think this is a testament to the hard work and dedication of our team, and we believe this acknowledgement is yet another indication of the increasing adoption of configuration life cycle management across the enterprise.”


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Further, Configit is also recognized as a sample vendor in the mass-customized discrete manufactured products category. Mass customization is an innovative approach to design, manufacturing, and product delivery that enables customers to personalize products by selecting from predefined features and constraints. This process empowers individuals to customize assembled products according to their preferences without substantially increasing production time or cost.

Published: Monday, September 4, 2023 – 12:01

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