Future-Proof Your Career in the Era of AI

Quality Digest

منبع: https://www.qualitydigest.com/inside/innovation-article/future-proof-your-career-era-ai-082423.htmlIt’s true that specific skills are at risk of becoming outdated as technology develops. However, more than learning specific abilities, education is about learning how to learn—that is, how to update your skills throughout your career. Research shows that having the ability to do so is highly valuable at work.

A recent poll found that more than half of people aged 18–24 are worried about AI and their careers. The fear that jobs might disappear or be replaced through automation is understandable. Recent research found that a quarter of tasks that humans currently do in the U.S. and Europe could be automated in the coming years.

I found a strong theme of concern in these books about technology enabling certain tasks to be automated, depriving many people of jobs. Specifically, the concern is that knowledge-based jobs—like those in accounting or law—that have long been regarded as the purview of well-educated professionals are now under threat of replacement by machines.

Critical thinking and analytical skills are going to be particularly central to how humans and machines can augment one another. When working with a machine, you need to be able to question the output that is produced. Humans are probably always going to be central to this—you might have a chatbot that automates parts of legal work, but a human will still be needed to make sense of it all.

I analyzed 10 books published between 2017 and 2020 that focused on the future of work and technology. From this research, I found that thinking about AI in the workplace generally falls into two camps. One is expressed as concern about the future of work and security of current roles—I call this sentiment “automation anxiety.” The other is the hope that humans and machines collaborate and thereby increase productivity—I call this “augmentation aspiration.”

Anxiety and aspiration

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The increased use of AI in white-collar workplaces means the changes will be different to previous workplace transformations. That’s because, the thinking goes, middle-class jobs are now under threat.

First published July 28, 2023, in The Conversation.

In light of this, learning is one of the most important ways you can future-proof your career. But should you spend money on further education if the return on investment is uncertain?

You may find yourself working alongside AI, not necessarily replaced by it. Image credit: Andrey Popov/Shutterstock