Future of Manufacturing: The Connected Worker as Partner to Robots and Machines


Future of Manufacturing: The Connected Worker as Partner to Robots and Machines

Robotic efficiency coupled with human intuition yields a fast, accurate, adaptable manufacturing system

Published: Thursday, September 21, 2023 – 12:03

Manufacturing has come a long way from manual labor and assembly lines. The industry has evolved through various phases, from the Industrial Revolution to mass production, and now to Industry 4.0. Each phase has brought its own set of challenges and opportunities, shaping the way goods are produced and distributed.

In recent years, automation and robotics have become the backbone of modern manufacturing. These technologies have not only increased efficiency but also revolutionized the way products are made. From autonomous vehicles in warehouses to robotic arms on assembly lines, the manufacturing landscape is rapidly changing.

However, the rise of machines doesn’t negate the importance of human involvement. In fact, human-machine interaction has become a critical component in the manufacturing ecosystem—a truth underscored by the advent of connected worker technology. In this article, we delve into the concept of the “connected worker” and discover how the symbiotic relationship between human expertise and machine efficiency is revolutionizing manufacturing, setting new standards for productivity, safety, and innovation.

The connected worker: Definition and importance

A connected worker is an individual who is integrated into the manufacturing process through the use of advanced technologies like IoT (internet of things), AR (augmented reality), and VR (virtual reality). This type of integration goes beyond merely using a computer or hand-held device; it involves a holistic approach where the worker is connected to the machinery, data streams, and even to other workers. This human-technology “ecosystem” enables real-time data sharing, decision making, and collaboration between humans and machines.

The IoT is the technological backbone for the connected worker. Sensors embedded in machinery, wearables on workers, and smart devices scattered throughout the factory floor collect troves of data points. These data points are then funneled into a centralized system where they can be analyzed for actionable insights. The real-time data allow for immediate adjustments in the manufacturing process, thereby increasing efficiency and reducing waste.

Having a connected workforce offers a multitude of benefits. Real-time monitoring enables immediate identification of bottlenecks or inefficiencies in the system. Predictive maintenance algorithms can forecast machinery failures, reducing downtime and operational costs. Moreover, the connected environment fosters collaboration among workers because data can be easily shared and accessed by all relevant parties, enhancing problem solving and innovation.

The synergy between human capabilities and robotic efficiency

The connected worker is not an isolated phenomenon but part of a larger ecosystem that includes advanced machinery and robotics. The real magic happens when human capabilities are synergized with robotic efficiency, creating a manufacturing environment greater than the sum of its parts.

Despite early fears of robots putting everyone out of work, no doubt fueled by ads like this one in a February 1929 issue of Nation’s Business, today’s robots now work collaboratively with humans, handling mundane, repetitive tasks and leaving intuitive, more adaptive tasks to flesh and blood. Click image to enlarge.

Robots excel in repetitive tasks that require high levels of precision and consistency. But they lack the ability to adapt to unexpected changes or to make judgment calls in complex situations. Humans, on the other hand, excel in these areas. When you combine robotic efficiency with human intuition, you get a manufacturing system that is not only fast and accurate but also adaptable and resilient.

As the manufacturing landscape changes, so too must the skill sets of the workers. Companies are increasingly investing in training programs that focus on skills like data analytics, machine operation, and even basic programming. These skills enable workers to better understand the machinery they work with, interpret data, and make informed decisions, thereby becoming more effective collaborators in the human-robot partnership.

Tesla’s manufacturing facility serves as a prime example of how automation and human expertise must coexist to create something extraordinary. The factory uses robots for tasks like welding and painting, where consistency and speed are crucial. Humans, on the other hand, are responsible for quality control, intricate assembly work, and overseeing automated processes. This symbiotic relationship has allowed Tesla to produce high-quality electric vehicles at scale.

Human-machine interaction: Heart of modern manufacturing

Having established the importance of the human-robot partnership, let’s look at the mechanisms that make this collaboration effective. At the heart of this is human-machine interaction, facilitated by AR and VR.

AR and VR technologies aren’t reserved just for gaming; they have practical applications in the manufacturing sector as well. Microsoft’s HoloLens, for example, can overlay digital information onto the physical world, guiding workers through complex assembly tasks or maintenance procedures. This real-time assistance significantly reduces the margin for error and speeds up the overall process.

Integrating AR and VR into manufacturing goes hand-in-hand with ergonomic design principles. AR can be used to simulate ergonomic adjustments in real time, allowing workers to find the most comfortable and efficient positions for performing tasks. VR can be used for training purposes, teaching workers how to interact with machinery in the most ergonomically sound manner. These technologies not only make human-machine interaction more intuitive but also significantly reduce the physical strain on workers, enhancing both efficiency and well-being.

Challenges and solutions

While a connected workforce and advanced human-machine interaction are advantageous, manufacturers must understand the challenges associated with these approaches. These range from societal concerns like job loss due to automation to ethical considerations when implementing these technologies:
• The fear of job loss is a significant concern that needs to be addressed head-on. It’s essential to understand that automation isn’t about replacing humans but rather augmenting their capabilities. Companies must be transparent about their automation strategies and involve workers in the transition process.
• As we collect more data and integrate more advanced technology into our work environments, ethical considerations like data privacy, surveillance, and the ethical treatment of workers come to the fore. Companies must establish clear guidelines and ethical frameworks for automation to ensure that technology serves as a tool for empowerment, not exploitation.

To address these challenges, companies can invest in reskilling programs that prepare workers for the jobs of the future. Ethical guidelines should be developed in consultation with stakeholders, including workers and industry experts, to ensure that automation is implemented responsibly.

Future trends

As we look ahead, it’s clear that the connected worker, human-machine interaction, and ethical considerations of each will continue to evolve. Emerging trends like predictive maintenance and collaborative robots (cobots) are set to further redefine the manufacturing landscape.

Artificial intelligence (AI) will play a significant role in the future of manufacturing. AI algorithms can analyze data from connected workers and machinery, and use them to predict when a machine is likely to fail or when a process is becoming inefficient. Predictive maintenance is a game-changer because it allows companies to act before a problem occurs, saving both time and resources.

The next generation of robots, known as cobots, are designed to work safely alongside humans. Companies like Universal Robots are in the vanguard of this technology, creating robots that can perform a variety of tasks and can be easily programmed by the average worker. This democratization of robotics is set to revolutionize industries, making automation more accessible than ever.

The takeaway: The irreplaceable value of human expertise

Although automation and robotics are transforming manufacturing, the value of human expertise remains irreplaceable. Humans bring a level of creativity, problem solving, and adaptability that machines can’t replicate. The future of manufacturing lies in a harmonious environment where humans and robots coexist and collaborate. By embracing the concept of the connected worker, we can pave the way for a more efficient, productive, and ethical manufacturing landscape.

منبع: https://www.qualitydigest.com/inside/innovation-column/future-manufacturing-connected-worker-partner-robots-and-machines-092123