My challenge to you
Quality Digest
Quality Digest
Once you have a visual of your typical workday and your perfect workday, where are the discrepancies? How different are the two days? Does your typical day allow you to…. Click or tap to follow the link.”>utilize your strengths and live out…. Click or tap to follow the link.”>your values?
Whether you’re an entrepreneur climbing the corporate ladder or you’re selling donuts out of the back of your car, it’s essential to pause and reflect periodically on the work you’re doing.
Grab a blank sheet of paper. Draw a line down the middle, creating two columns. At the top, label the left side “My Typical Workday,” and the right side, “My Perfect Workday.”
And finally: What small steps can you take to get closer to making your perfect workday a reality?
On the left, list all the activities that make up a typical workday chronologically.
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Published Sept. 7, 2023, on Interested readers can sign up for a course with Marzullo or click here to work with him or get feedback.
Our work evolves over the weeks, months, and years as we grow our businesses, get promoted, or change roles. If we forget to notice how we feel about our work as we evolve and grow as professionals, we might end up feeling empty or unfulfilled.
On the right, visualize what a perfect day would look like and add the activities that would make for an ideal day.
If you could experience the perfect workday, what would you be doing? Have you ever taken the time to think about it?
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Complete this exercise regularly to ensure you’re leading with intention and doing fulfilling and meaningful work. Regardless of your career direction, this exercise will help you stay on course, using your strengths and living your values.
What does your perfect workday tell you about what’s important to you? What strengths are you using in your ideal day more than your typical day?