SPC Outside of Manufacturing | Quality Digest

Using the phrase “voice of the process,” what is Figure 2 trying to tell us?

The single signal in these data is the red-circled point way above the upper limit, which was found to be a special order for a large cookout; hence, the detectably different, and higher, number of sales. While special orders are desired and great for business, the voice of the process tells us that it’s valid to consider them as nonroutine events. As such, it’s reasonable to discount this high sales value in the computation of the limits. Figure 4 shows an updated chart, noting that the high point is still displayed but was excluded from the calculation of the limits. (For those with a keen eye, you’ll notice that the updated limits in Figure 4 are a little narrower.) See a note on this in the postscript.

Our “noise filter” for these weekly averages is represented by the upper and lower control limits in Figure 10 of 61.94 to 68.09. We do find signals of detectably higher and lower resting heart rate:
• Higher heart rate: Weeks 7, 15, and 39 in 2023
• Lower heart rate: Weeks 41, 42, and 43 in 2023

The learnings from Figure 5 offer different options for further exploration, one of which is to use process limits that are based exclusively on the “no inhaler” data (weeks 14–27). The chart based on this thought process is seen in Figure 6. (If a reader would like further guidance on the essential properties of an average and range chart, or details on how these limits are calculated, put a note in the comments to this article.)

One “watch out” for the Fitbit data is therefore the occurrence of many consecutive plot points having identical values, which brings into scope the problem of “chunky data.” An example of a simple way to create chunky data would be to measure different people’s height to the nearest yard. In doing so, we’d mistakenly think many people were the same height, e.g., two yards. The resolution here would be to measure height to the nearest inch.

The daily values—morning values at around 7 a.m.—are shown in Figure 11 in the postscript. To allow for fair and valid comparison, the values from Week 28 onward came from measurements before use of the inhaler.

Some years back, a patient was prescribed an inhaler due to asthma-related breathing difficulties. In addition to a confirmed cat allergy, another indication came from concerningly low peak-flow values in the range 300–350 L/min. (Peak flow data indicate how open the airways in the lungs are, with values about 600 L/min expected for men.)

For the signals in weeks 7 and 15, some explanations were put forward—a holiday in Week 15, which is something nonroutine—but explanations as definitive as Covid-19 or a heart attack weren’t forthcoming. One weakness in the data around the time of the signals in weeks 7 and 15 was missing data. Another weakness was the long time lag—trying to find causes for events that happened close to one year earlier—which helps to explain the first rule of thumb mentioned above.

In this article we’ve illustrated and discussed the relevance of SPC outside of its more well-known uses in manufacturing. While our four examples touched on planning and healthcare, things don’t stop there. If you have data, and you want to learn from those data and apply those learnings to improve your processes, why not give SPC a go? Please share your thoughts and questions in the comments section.


We can’t predict an exact number of sales per day but rather a range of possible sales. With a view to estimating this range, daily sales for close to one and one-half months were plotted on a control chart of individual values, as seen in Figure 3.

Listening to the voice of the process provides a lot more than “statistics,” which to some might seem of little consequence when it comes to what really matters in business. This voice provides insight to enable smarter work, not harder work.

Importantly—and this is valid only because predictable behavior is demonstrated—the average number of daily sales can be trusted and relied upon (at least until a signal of unpredictability, or a lack of consistency, is found).

Quality Digest

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Important context is that we have close to 500 data values and are looking back over one and one-half years. With so many data, we decided to group them by calendar week and use the weekly averages as individual values. The control chart using this approach is shown below in Figure 10. If we’d had less data, it’s unlikely we’d have taken this route, which again illustrates the importance of context and the need for careful thought.

Two rules of thumb to consider when it comes to following up on control chart signals are:
• Start with the most recent signals first (because events are fresher in the mind).
• Focus on the biggest signals first (because they tend to offer the greatest payback).

Figure 5: Average and range chart of the peak flow data

Figure 4: Control chart of the daily sales data (limits computed without the point above the upper limit)

If two people are assigned to handle support requests, we see that most of the time—at least two in every three weeks, which is Part 1 of the empirical rule—things ought to run smoothly with eight or fewer requests expected. Thus, high-quality customer support is seemingly ensured.

• Another reason why so much was being made when Scott got involved was because the manager liked to make one prediction in the morning, make the product, clean the equipment, and that was it. 
• Question: Similar to the situation described in Example 1, how would you go about deciding whether “things stay the same” during the weeks and months ahead? Also, why were the limits narrower in Figure 4?

Example 3: Asthma management

Following success with an inhaler, as well as avoiding cats and other risk factors, it was decided a couple of years later to run an inhaler-free period while continuing to measure peak flow daily. Without daily use of an inhaler, no specific symptoms of deterioration were felt (and cats were avoided). The only indicator of a potential worsening of the situation was a little drop in the peak flow data—the values were a little lower than a year earlier. In consultation with the doctor, it was decided to restart use of an inhaler to decide if, long-term, an inhaler was appropriate. A follow-up appointment was arranged for two to three months later. In the meantime, daily peak values continued to be collected.

Referring again to the “voice of the process,” what are these data trying to tell us? Excluding the special order, this process, or system, of daily sales displays predictable behavior, meaning that, unless things change, we can plan for:
• Daily sales to average about 57 items
• Routine sales for any single day to be anywhere in the range 12 to 101

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Published: Wednesday, January 24, 2024 – 12:03

All articles in this series:

What can be learned by listening to the voice of the process?

By characterizing the system as predictable up to Week 50, we learn that any single week having up to, and including, 14 requests is “normal.” This insight debunks the idea that two people can satisfactorily handle all requests in each and every week of the year (assuming, as stated above, that one person can be expected to successfully manage up to four or five requests in a given week).

Figure 9: Illustration of successive values being equal

Here in Part 7 we move away from manufacturing and discuss SPC’s continued relevance, and potential, in areas such as planning and healthcare. In the examples that follow, we also aim to reinforce the importance of three key elements inherent in SPC:
1. Aim: What do you want to achieve? (Which questions should the data be helping you to answer?)
2. Context: You need to know what your data represent (i.e., when collected, how collected, conditions when collected, what might have influenced the results you got).
3. Thought: How to organize, use, and analyze the data to extract the needed insight and maximum information from them.

Example 1: Resource planning

However, someone has to pay for this content. And that’s where advertising comes in. Most people consider ads a nuisance, but they do serve a useful function besides allowing media companies to stay afloat. They keep you aware of new products and services relevant to your industry. All ads in Quality Digest apply directly to products and services that most of our readers need. You won’t see automobile or health supplement ads.

The high point at the right of the chart (Week 39) was the beginning of a Covid-19 illness. This ties in with what we were told: “Interestingly, according to a recent paper, resting heart rate tends to increase at the beginning of Covid, then drops down low, then eventually returns to normal.” Although weeks 40 and 41 are consistent with this hypothesis, we didn’t get the chance to see if resting heart rate could return to normal because the patient had a small heart attack, which coincides with the last two points on the chart (weeks 42 and 43).

As Scott told us, the workers had no idea of how many packages to produce daily. One of the workers who’d been there for 30 years routinely made more than 300 packages per day, yet, as we see in Figure 4, we can scarcely expect to sell more than 100 packages on one day unless something out of the ordinary happens (such as a special order, which is something nonroutine to specially plan for).

We got these data by email and were asked to look at them as described: “…I wonder if you could look at some data (mine), just for the heck of it, and see if you can detect any signals.”

Questions: How would you know if the number of weekly requests remains the same in the coming year? And why is the lower limit in Figure 2 set at zero? See our answers in the postscript.

Example 2: How many units?

You take over a new group and would like to plan your team’s resources for the next year to most effectively respond to technical support requests. How many of your group’s resources should be assigned weekly to ensure high-quality support? If too few people are assigned, you likely won’t fulfill the customers’ support needs. If too many people are assigned, you risk leaving some resources sitting idle.

Health Care

SPC Outside of Manufacturing

Part 7 of our series on statistical process control in the digital era

Figure 1: Support request data per week

Having demonstrated that there is a difference when using an inhaler, we can estimate how big this is. The average increase in peak flow of 29 L/min is easily calculated and can also be shown visually in a histogram (Figure 7):

Figure 10: Control chart of the heart rate data using weekly averages as individual values

Range chart:
• Behavior? Consistent and predictable
• Signals? None—no signals on the range chart

We now look at Fitbit data—a measurement of resting heart rate in beats per minute (bpm)—to see how such data can be effectively analyzed with an SPC “way of thinking.” Each value represents the average resting heart rate per day. The data cover roughly one and one-half years (May 2022 to October 2023). Of 527 days of potential measurement, there are 48 missing values; the reason for this is that the smart watch that provides the daily Fitbit data wasn’t worn on these days.

Having listened to the voice of the process, Scott and the team opted to go close to the average, with 60 packages per day as the “nominal target.” Depending on the stock level at the start of a new day, more or less units would be made to hit this nominal target.

To finalize a resource plan for the next year, we can use the empirical rule as explained by Donald J. Wheeler. With an average of close to 5 and a standard deviation of 3, we get the data below. (In Figure 2, the central line, which is the data average, is of value 5.0, and the 3-sigma distance is 14.12 – 5.0 = 9.12; hence, standard deviation = 9.12/3 ~ 3.)

Although some data have an obvious way of being organized for a control chart, this isn’t always the case. Hence, a good idea is to start with a time-series plot of the data for a first interpretation (see Figure 8).

Occasionally, however, things could get stretched—see the upper intervals for parts 2 and 3 of the empirical rule with values at 11 and 14, respectively—and customer support could fall below its usual high quality. This might happen something like two to three weeks per year. The “voice of the process” tells us that these “high” weeks must be anticipated, but when in the year isn’t foreseeable (i.e., random variation).

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Returning to the request we got to try to detect signals in the data, we indeed detected them and have again shown that control chart signals tell you about events, or changes, in your process that are worth knowing about. We’ve also highlighted an important “watch out”—chunky data. And, we’ve demonstrated that effective control charting can’t be automated because of the data-specific issues discussed above.

Figure 7: Histograms of the with- and without-inhaler peak flow data

Figure 8: Time-series plot of the average resting heart rate data

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When the data are grouped by week, each subgroup consists of seven values. The traditional chart to use in this case is the average and range chart, which for the peak flow data, is shown in Figure 5. On the upper chart we find the weekly averages, and on the lower chart the weekly range (range = highest value – lowest value). The red limits bracket the range of anticipated “routine variation.”

Figure 1 adds more insight to the “about five requests per week” because the occurrence of requests as high as seven and eight during weeks 2–11 tells you straightaway that one person per week is unable to satisfy your customers’ needs and expectations.

We also see that, about half the time, weeks will be “easy” with five or fewer requests to be expected.

Example 2:
• As with Example 1, to examine whether things stay the same or change, we’d collect new data and monitor them against the limits for expected routine variation found in Figure 4.
• The process limits in Figure 4 were narrower than those in Figure 3 because, for Figure 3’s limits, the high value—the special order—was associated with two high moving range values in the computation of the process standard deviation (or sigma). If further details are needed, put a note in the comments. 

Moving into the next year, the agreed plan became:

Figure 11: Peak flow data