SMART Launches Research Group to Advance AI, Automation, and the Future of Work

MIT professor Jinhua Zhao will lead SMART’s new M3S as its lead principal investigator. Photo courtesy of SMART M3S.

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The Singapore MIT-Alliance for Research and Technology (SMART), MIT’s research enterprise in Singapore, has launched a new interdisciplinary research group aimed at tackling key social and institutional challenges around the rise of artificial intelligence and other new technologies. The group, known as “Mens, Manus and Machina: How AI Empowers People, Institutions, and the City” in Singapore (M3S), aims to advance knowledge in these fields and foster collaborative research for society in Singapore and the world.

Since its inception in Singapore in 2007, SMART has developed innovations that have transformed and are transforming a multitude of fields, such as autonomous driving, agriculture, microelectronics, cell therapy, mechanics and microfluidics platforms for biology and medical diagnostics, and antimicrobial resistance.

“As a species, humans have spent eons learning how to work effectively with each other, but at the scale of human history, we are still neophytes to computation and automation,” says Zhao, an MIT professor of urban studies and planning who is also founding director of the MIT Mobility Initiative. “We focus on two questions at M3S: How will we design AI and robotics technologies and train humans to build the skills and habits necessary for success in a robotics-heavy work environment? How will we adapt our social and business institutions to create the incentives and protections necessary to drive innovation and social welfare?”

Published: Wednesday, September 20, 2023 – 12:01

Bringing together a diverse team of 17 professors from MIT and institutions in Singapore, SMART M3S will draw on the expertise of local researchers from Singapore Management University (SMU), Singapore University of Technology and Design, the National University of Singapore, and the National Robotics Program of Singapore. M3S will be guided by lead principal investigator Jinhua Zhao of MIT, co-lead principal investigator Daniela Rus of MIT, and co-lead principal investigator Archan Misra of SMU.

In line with Singapore’s Smart Nation initiative and National AI Strategy, the project will embark on a five-year endeavor supported by a multimillion-dollar grant from the National Research Foundation of Singapore under its Campus for Research Excellence and Technological Enterprise program. 

“M3S is distinguished by its ambition to address the key challenges of human-AI synergy holistically, from both a scientific and societal perspective,” says Misra, vice provost for research and the Lee Kong Chian Professor of Computer Science at SMU, who is also co-director of the A*STAR-SMU Joint Lab in Social and Human-Centered Computing. “It will focus not just on the technical breakthroughs that will allow human workers and AI-enabled machines and software to work interactively, but also on the training and governance mechanisms that ensure that individuals and organizations adapt to and thrive in this new future of work. I’m especially excited to collaborate with MIT researchers on this important national priority for Singapore, which aligns perfectly with SMU’s strategic multidisciplinary research priority area of digital transformation.”

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This interdisciplinary approach encompasses tackling key issues such as physical and digital interfaces between humans and machines, machine learning fundamentals, and understanding the implications of AI for human and social capital development. Other areas of focus include work on structuring human-machine teams within organizations and the developing dynamics between humans and machines in resource allocation and human labor (as well as machine power) management.

Research conducted could significantly advance aspects of soft robotics, brain interfaces, learning algorithms, task allocation, team formation, model compression, sustainable technology, technology acceptability in the workplace, social acceptability of robotics and AI, and more. The effect of AI on human welfare and productivity, and how AI technology can advance both areas are central considerations for the work at SMART M3S as society navigates the transition toward an AI- and machine-enhanced future.

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Published Aug. 23, 2023, on MIT News.