Rabid Ferrets in the Corner… Give Them an Out

When you’re facing that little fang-baring, whirling, devil-spawned critter, give it an out. Create a way for it to gracefully exit the situation without a full-on conflict. They want a fight as little as you do.

“We’re talking about moving some of his work over to my group. I think there are some cool opportunities for him if members of his team work with mine.”

There will be times where stupid stuff will happen to you (and yes, there are times you will do stupid stuff—accept it as axiomatic). When really stupid stuff happens, it can feel like others are conspiring against you. It can seem like a plot of Oliver Stone proportions. During those situations, the outcomes are mostly binary: You defuse the situation or it blows up, sometimes causing irreparable harm to your career or reputation. You may even have an urge to attack the responsible individual. Doing so can create a situation like backing a rabid ferret into a corner. When you create that dynamic, they’re most likely to attack back—and rabid ferrets can be nasty!


Rabid Ferrets in the Corner… Give Them an Out

There are ways to defuse events simply by adopting the right mindset

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“Oh. Wow. I’m sorry. I must have spaced out. I thought I had you on the original invite when I sent it. I was wondering why you never accepted the meeting request.”

There are ways to defuse these events simply by adopting the right mindset.

Quality Digest

منبع: https://www.qualitydigest.com/inside/management-article/rabid-ferrets-corner-give-them-out-100323.html“Of course! Why do you ask?”

Published: Tuesday, October 3, 2023 – 12:03

“Would you like me to attend?”

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Allow me to provide an example. I had responsibility for a team, and we had downsized a portion of it. When we did so, a very high-potential manager who used to run the team was a little upset because his sphere of influence felt diminished. Despite putting him in a new role with a ton of expansion opportunities, he continued to dwell on what he had lost rather than what he had gained from an opportunity standpoint.

However, someone has to pay for this content. And that’s where advertising comes in. Most people consider ads a nuisance, but they do serve a useful function besides allowing media companies to stay afloat. They keep you aware of new products and services relevant to your industry. All ads in Quality Digest apply directly to products and services that most of our readers need. You won’t see automobile or health supplement ads.

Had I gone in there like the Thing, screaming, “It’s clobberin’ time!” I would have created a very uncomfortable situation for all of us. Heck, I might have even ruined a friendship and an up-to-then solid business relationship. But that didn’t happen because I gave him an out if he happened to be on the wrong side of the line in this case.

Published Sept. 6, 2023, in thoughtLEADERS Brief on LinkedIn.