NVision’s 3D Scanning Helps HVAC Makers Keep Their Cool

NVision’s HandHeld scanner, shown in a different application, rapidly collects massive amounts of individual location points on an object’s surface.

“I’m proud that our 3D scanning and engineering services played a role in extending the life span and improving the design of these A/C systems,” says Kersen. “Neither of these projects would have been as successful without the accuracy of 3D noncontact scanning. You could say that NVision is helping to improve home comfort from A to C.”

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“Our HandHeld scanner has an accuracy of +– 0.025 mm or 25 microns, which is one-thousandth (0.001) of an inch. As its laser light sweeps across an object’s surface, it rapidly—at a speed of 60,000 or more separate measurements per second—collects massive amounts of individual location points on the surface, each with its own x, y, z coordinates and i, j, k vectors,” says Kersen. “The full dataset, or ‘point cloud,’ collected by the scanner comprises literally millions of these measurement points. With this vast amount of dimensional data, we inspected the components against all the aluminum parts in the A/C system, down to the most minute detail.”

Quality Digest

منبع: https://www.qualitydigest.com/inside/metrology-article/nvision-s-3d-scanning-helps-hvac-makers-keep-their-cool-021924.html

Published: Monday, February 19, 2024 – 12:03

NVision also worked with a second HVAC manufacturer, one that has built much of its reputation on making some of the most energy-efficient A/C units on the market. It also manufactures heat pumps, furnaces, boilers, garage heaters, air handlers, thermostats, and indoor air quality systems.

To create nominal CAD models, NVision needed to scan three drip pans of each style, as three would provide an average of each pan style’s dimensions. Thus, 15 different drip pans were scanned. Made of commodity plastics, such as polyurethane, the pans were all rectangular and measured about 3 ft x 3 ft x 3 in.

For more information about NVision’s 3D measurement and engineering services, contact: www.nvision3d.com.