Ninety Percent of Organizations Using AI to Create KPIs Report Improvement

Shifting economic conditions, evolving customer expectations, and digital transformations require organizations to reassess their definition of success and how it is measured. Sixty percent of leaders believe they need to improve their organization’s KPIs to improve decision-making, but only about one-third (34%) are using AI to make their performance metrics more intelligent, adaptive, and predictive.

“Smarter KPIs powered by AI have become sources of strategic differentiation and value creation,” says François Candelon, global director of the BCG Henderson Institute and a co-author of the report. “This is not mere hype. This is what AI makes possible. The design, governance, oversight, and evolution of AI-enhanced KPIs is now a top leadership priority.”

The report delineates three ways that AI-enriched KPIs improve on legacy metrics that simply track performance. First, smart descriptive KPIs synthesize historical and current data to deliver insights into what happened or what is happening. Smart predictive KPIs anticipate future performance, producing reliable leading indicators and providing visibility into potential outcomes. They also identify patterns that other techniques or humans cannot, allowing them to draw on a richer reserve of potentially counterintuitive patterns. Lastly, smart prescriptive KPIs use AI to recommend actions that optimize performance.

“While the majority of AI efforts have centered on how to improve performance using the technology, this report sheds light on how AI can completely transform how companies actually define and measure performance to begin with,” says Shervin Khodabandeh, a senior partner and managing director at BCG and a co-author of the report. “It goes beyond improving existing KPIs to fundamentally reimagining what those KPIs could be.”

AI-enhanced KPIs lead to better outcomes

Shifting from legacy KPIs to algorithmically informed KPIs disrupts how organizations understand, define, and pursue performance excellence. The report details the following steps that organizations must take to make their smart KPIs operationally, organizationally, and strategically more valuable:
• Realign data governance to enable measurably smarter KPIs.
• Establish KPI governance systems.
• Use digital twins to enhance key performance metrics.
• Prioritize cultural readiness and people-centric approaches.
• Ensure strategic alignment with smart KPIs.

Read the publication here.


Organizations typically use KPIs as benchmarks to evaluate progress on a wide variety of business objectives, such as sales growth, customer satisfaction, and operational efficiency. This report finds most companies have yet to exploit the capabilities of AI to measurably improve their most important metrics.

The report, The Future of Strategic Measurement: Enhancing KPIs With AI, presents findings from MIT SMR and BCG’s seventh annual global research study on AI and business strategy. It’s based on a global survey of more than 3,000 respondents representing more than 25 industries and 100 countries, as well as interviews with 17 executives leading AI initiatives in a broad range of industries.

(MIT SMR and BCG: Boston) — Despite tremendous advances in analytics and AI capabilities, key performance indicators (KPIs) increasingly fail to take advantage to deliver the information and insights leaders need to succeed. However, according to a report released by MIT Sloan Management Review (MIT SMR) and Boston Consulting Group (BCG), more companies are using AI to make KPIs increasingly forward-looking and connected, dramatically improving legacy performance metrics.

“We learned that smart leaderships see AI as essential to making their KPIs smarter, more predictive, and more insightful,” says Michael Schrage, a research fellow at the MIT Sloan School of Management’s Initiative on the Digital Economy and report co-author. “I was surprised and disappointed by how many organizations haven’t bothered to use technology to revisit and revise their most important metrics.”

“On one level, AI-enriched KPIs represent a significant advance in what managers can measure and how performance is measured,” says David Kiron, editorial director for research at MIT SMR and report co-author. “They also invite organizational change: Business managers and technologists need to work together in new ways to develop and use the metrics that matter most.”

Implementing and managing smart KPIs holistically

Nine out of 10 organizations with AI-enhanced KPIs agree or strongly agree that their KPIs have been improved by the technology. The survey data affirms that companies using AI to create new KPIs see an array of business benefits compared with those companies that don’t use it. Organizations using AI to create new KPIs realize a four-fold increase in collaboration between employees and are three times more effective at predicting future performance, three times more likely to see greater financial benefit, and twice as likely to see greater efficiency.

The three types of smart KPIs