MIT Researchers Boost Common Catalytic Reactions

While there has typically been little interaction between electrochemical and thermochemical catalysis researchers, Surendranath says, “this study shows the community that there’s really a blurring of the line between the two, and that there is a huge opportunity in cross-fertilization between these two communities.”

The findings, he says, “build a more holistic picture of how catalytic reactions at interfaces work, irrespective of whether you’re going to bin them into the category of electrochemical reactions or thermochemical reactions. It’s rare that you find something that could really revise our foundational understanding of surface catalytic reactions in general. We’re very excited.”

People working on thermochemical catalysis, Surendranath says, usually don’t consider the role of the electrochemical potential at the catalyst surface, “and they often don’t have good ways of measuring it. And what this study tells us is that relatively small changes, on the order of a few hundred millivolts, can have huge impacts—orders of magnitude changes in the rates of catalyzed reactions at those surfaces.

But the people who study redox half-reactions—or electrochemical reactions—are part of an entirely different research community than those studying non-redox chemical reactions, known as thermochemical reactions. As a result, even though the technique used in the new study, which involves applying a small external voltage, was well-known in the electrochemical research community, it had not been systematically applied to acid-catalyzed thermochemical reactions.

Published: Wednesday, February 28, 2024 – 11:58

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“This research is of the highest quality,” says Costas Vayenas, a professor of engineering at the university of Patras, in Greece, who was not associated with the study. The work “is very promising for practical applications, particularly since it extends previous related work in redox catalytic systems.”

The team has already filed a provisional patent application on parts of the process and is working on ways to apply the findings to specific chemical processes. Westendorff says their findings suggest that “we should design and develop different types of reactors to take advantage of this sort of strategy. And we’re working right now on scaling up these systems.”

(MIT: Cambridge, MA) — A simple technique that uses small amounts of energy could boost the efficiency of some key chemical processing reactions up to a factor of 100,000, MIT researchers report. These reactions are at the heart of petrochemical processing, pharmaceutical manufacturing, and many other industrial chemical processes.

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The team included MIT postdoc Max Hulsey, Ph.D.2022, and graduate student Thejas Wesley, Ph.D. 2023, and was supported by the U.S. Air Force Office of Scientific Research and the U.S. Department of Energy Basic Energy Sciences.