Investing in Quality Training and Equipment

Randy Sulte, Kakivik

After an introduction to the theory behind phased array, the participants learned how to set up for angle inspections, primarily for weld inspection. Once the basics were covered, they got to work building a C-scan, which is an X-ray-like image using an encoder connected to a cable that measured the probe’s travel distance.


Investing in Quality Training and Equipment

Concoct a recipe for inspection success

Investing in employees’ training and development is crucial for any organization’s growth and success. It not only benefits the employees by enhancing their skills and knowledge but also contributes to the overall efficiency and profitability of the company. By investing in this University of Ultrasonics training for its nondestructive testing (NDT) group, Kakivik Asset Management helps provide continual turnkey inspection solutions to its customers.

“At the University of Ultrasonics, we specialize in ultrasonic testing methods,” Walton says. “We live, breathe, eat, and sleep UT. Our instructors are veteran field techs who not only understand the theory but also have spent years practicing and honing their craft on the job site. Our staff and instructors are well versed in the various UT methods, codes, and general practices in a wide range of industry fields, including oil and gas, aerospace, structural, fabrication, marine, nuclear, and other power generation. Our staff has also been involved with various code-related activities for ASME and AWS. In addition to our training, we also provide comprehensive consulting services to our clients, everything from building a UT or PAUT program from scratch to helping design advanced inspection procedures for challenging applications.”

“Evident also has been partnering with training centers and schools for close to 20 years. Our global academy currently counts over 70 training members and is increasing every year. When you join us as a trainer, in addition to direct support from our team, you get exclusive technical content to help build your curriculum as well as promotion support to reach a wider audience for recruiting students. Trainers that are part of the Evident Training Academy can also benefit from educational posters and joint training activities such as ‘lunch learns’ and exclusive webinars.

Emilie Peloquin, Evident

“Enhancing one’s skills and continually learning are key to staying relevant in today’s marketplace,” Sulte says. “If you aren’t moving forward, then you are falling behind. We feel it’s important to offer our employees the opportunity to improve their skills, gain new certifications, and transform NDT from being a job into a valuable and profitable long-term career. Our hope is by doing so, and through other offerings, we help build loyalty and retention within the company, reducing turnover and bringing long-lasting, sustainable value to the customer and the company.”

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A leader in asset integrity management and inspection services, Kakivik Asset Management recently held an intro to phased-array class at its Anchorage, Alaska, office. The training was attended by nearly two dozen ultrasound specialists and was conducted by Shane Walton from the University of Ultrasonics. Evident provided the equipment used for the training.

Shane Walton, University of Ultrasonics

During the training, each table in the conference room was equipped with an
OmniScan X3 or MX2 unit, along with an assortment of PA probes and wedges.

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Randy Sulte of Kakivik Asset Management says, “As our customers plan to complete their annual regulatory mechanical-inspection programs, Kakivik provides a turnkey solution for piping, pipeline, tank and vessel inspection, and risk mitigation. The unique skills offered by our highly trained NDT technicians and specialists enables us to give customers an inspection service that other companies are unable to match.

Quality Digest


Evident continues to advance its industry-leading technologies with continuous hardware and software improvements. A notable addition is the recent innovation of its phase coherence imaging (PCI) technique. Evident also emphasizes technical support and training. The company is committed to improving the NDT industry and consistently contributes to its training needs with a variety of free educational content.

The addition of phased-array ultrasonic testing (PAUT) capabilities to Evident’s product line provides Kakivik with another tool to bring the best NDT services to their clients.

Shane Walton from the University of Ultrasonics says, “We offer an array of ultrasonic testing (UT) courses at the University of Ultrasonics, including UT Levels 1 and 2, phased array (a three-week course), conventional UT crack sizing, conventional UT weld exams for detection, characterization, and sizing (UTSW), time-of-flight diffraction (TOFD), total focusing method (TFM), full matrix capture (FMC), ASNT ISQ prep courses, API UT exam prep course, a collection of online refresher courses, and also bespoke courses tailored to clients’ needs.

This symbiotic relationship between Kakivik, the University of Ultrasonics, and Evident is a prime example of a recipe for success for others in the NDT industry. By investing in employees and providing them with high-quality equipment and training, asset owners and other inspection services companies like Kakivik can help themselves stand apart in a competitive market.

Why this partnership is important to the NDT industry: Hear from the experts

The 40-hour class focused on the application of 0° phased array (PA) for corrosion mapping in the Alaskan oilfields. While North Slope UT inspections have remained largely unchanged over the years, with technicians manually scrubbing pipes of all sizes, the evolution of ultrasonic technology has paved the way for new methods of inspection.

Phased-array training on advanced OmniScan flaw detectors

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Published Aug. 30, 2023, on the Evident InSight Blog.

Though the majority of ultrasonic testing utilized may not warrant advanced PAUT applications, incorporating this ability will provide a faster, more accurate testing solution to those scenarios where conventional ultrasonics may not be the best fit.

It pays to invest in NDT training