Don’t Be Defeated Again | Quality Digest

23. Stop the silence

Whom do you need to seek out for guidance or direction?

By now you will have already broken one or more of your resolutions for the new year. You didn’t mean to; it was just so hard to keep that major commitment. While I do believe in setting worthwhile and measurable goals for a new year, I prefer identifying small changes I can sustain throughout the year as opposed to vague or emotionally driven resolutions. For example, using the quote, “Do creative work first, reactive work second,” was a small yet powerful change I made in my daily plan a few years ago, and it served me much more effectively than saying something like, “I resolve to be happier.”

12. Start with being instead of doing

As Marshall Goldsmith writes in his powerful book, Triggers (Currency, 2015), “We chronically underestimate the time it takes to get anything done.” I am constantly amazed in my coaching sessions when people can’t tell me how long they spend on basic tasks at work or even at home. If they ever want to improve professionally or personally, they should be able to determine how much time they have to invest in making those improvements.

Where would a consistent routine help you with your time management?

May this new year be so much better than the last one!

As Les Brown says, “Ask for help, not because you’re weak but because you want to remain strong.” There are going to be those times when you just can’t tackle it all, all by yourself. Sometimes you might need to reach out to a co-worker. But asking for help isn’t always easy. This article from Indeed offers some great tips on how and when to ask someone for help. 

How will you spend the first 10 minutes of your day? Being or doing?

Quality Digest


15. Manage your minutes as intensely as you do your hours

What’s one item on your calendar each day that represents an activity that will help you become more of the person you want to be?

Published Jan. 8, 2024, on Jones Loflin’s blog.

Its are “important things” as described in my book Getting to It (Harper Business, 2013). As you plan your day, always identify your three its. They may be three work its, or a combination of work and personal its. Discover them by saying to yourself, “If I only get three things done today, they would be….” This helps you focus your energy for the day and ensure you go to bed that night with fewer regrets. You may get more than three done, but you know what has to be done.

19. Get more learning through your earbuds

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What is one activity you should start doing to improve your personal wellness?

What’s one thing you need to reduce your desire to control?

21. Gratifying exhaustion vs. empty fatigue

22. Compare yourself to… yourself

16. Be boring

24. Be soil… not dirt

6. Pre- and post-quantify any task

11. Deliver a more educational no when needed

20. Don’t wait to feel like taking action

‘Be brave enough to start a conversation that matters.’—Margaret Wheatley

While seeking advice can sometimes be uncomfortable, it’s an incredibly effective way for us to improve at almost anything. We have so many blind spots that others can help us identify. It doesn’t have to be anything formal. Just start the conversation by saying, “This year, I’d really like to improve on ____. Do you have a couple of insights on how I can do better?” Just start the conversation by saying, “This year, I’d really like to improve on ____.” 

I saw this one in a post at Just because you’re tired at the end of the day doesn’t mean you filled the day with meaningful activities. A good litmus test of your daily success is to ask, “Do I feel gratified by what I did today… or empty?” Finding something to be grateful for in each day becomes easier with practice. So don’t stop!


13. Be passionately present in every conversation

With all the time chunks in your day when you are traveling, waiting, or maybe even relaxing, there is no reason why you can’t use that time to stream some knowledge or insights through podcasts or audible books. If you’re looking for a podcast to start, I recommend Coaching for Leaders. And if you need one just to laugh, check out The Best of Car Talk from NPR.

What are some “humble brags” you should stop using to try and draw attention to your unwillingness to better manage your time?

Can’t implies that the resources aren’t available, or the issue is so difficult it’s almost impossible. Won’t reminds us that we too often don’t want to make ourselves or others uncomfortable to make something happen. For a deeper dive into this concept, read “What’s the One Word That’s Really Holding You Back?” 

4. Ask for help more often

9. Set boundaries

What actions can you be taking right now that will start you feeling better today?