2PP 3D Printing: Tailored Software Reduces Stitching, Saves Time, Boosts Efficiency

By using the upgrade, not only can users speed up the printing of parts with different resolution requirements but they can also combine the production of different parts in one print job. This feature allows for a significant reduction of printing time as well as substrate use, another step toward an automated 2PP 3D-printing process. The only prerequisite is that the material and the chosen objective remain the same. “The flexibility of combining print jobs results in a much better exploitation of the substrate as more space of it can be used,” says Hirner.

“Now, products with exactly defined seams can be printed,” says Denise Hirner, COO and co-founder of UpNano. Seams are a serious quality issue for 3D-printed products. They are the result of moving the field of view during printing to join (or ‘stitch’) the printed elements of each subsequent field of view together.

The basis of the upgrade is the ability to define several printing parameters individually and set complex changes to them in advance during the printing process. The potential this offers for the quality of the print product and the speed and efficiency of the printing process can be dramatic.

It also increases the flexibility in defining the workload of a NanoOne because more print jobs can be run overnight, at weekends, or during other out-of-office times.

“The unique features of our latest upgrade help to reduce this,” Hirner says. “By addressing more parameters individually and dynamically, it’s now possible to define the exact positions of stitching lines. Depending on the final structure, this allows for a smart integration of the seams into the design.”

Results and resolution

Quality Insider

2PP 3D Printing: Tailored Software Reduces Stitching, Saves Time, Boosts Efficiency

Software upgrade released by UpNano compatible with all NanoOne printers

Quality Digest

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Published: Monday, August 28, 2023 – 12:01

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With the release of this latest software upgrade, UpNano again demonstrates its strong sense of innovation. “Just recently we held our annual customer event—an occasion where we always learn a lot about the evolving requirements of our worldwide customer base,” says Hirner. “With our latest software upgrade, a lot of those needs are met. We are very excited to further improve the performance of our printers together with our valued NanoOne customer network.”