What Do You Really Know About Your Customer Base?

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We expect that some people, lurking in various parts of your organization, are conducting the analyses that can provide the answers to some of these questions. But it’s rare to find them being pulled together in one place, let alone making their way to senior management. Without such a basic understanding of the foundations of the behavior of the firm’s primary source of (inward) operating cash flow, how can you be expected to ask the right questions and make informed decisions?

Enter the customer-base audit

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We agree with the definition of analytics as “the discipline that applies logic and mathematics to data to provide insights for making better decisions.” It’s common to speak of four types of analytics capabilities: descriptive (“What is currently happening or has happened?”); diagnostic (“Why did it happen?”); predictive (“What will happen?”); and prescriptive (“What should we do?”).

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As a senior executive, you have spent countless hours discussing budgets and expenditures. Focusing on the top line of the income statement, you’ll probably have looked at sales by product line and geography. Quite possibly you have looked at product profitability as part of a product line rationalization exercise.

Why is this the case? It reflects a fundamental failing in the reporting systems and structures of most organizations. It reflects a failure to have a true customer-centric mindset, even by many firms that claim to be customer-centric.

But how much time have you spent considering that these revenues are generated by customers paying for your products and services? What do you really know about this primary source of your organization’s (inward) operating cash flow?

Excerpted from The Customer-Base Audit: The First Step on the Journey to Customer Centricity, by Peter Fader, Bruce Hardie, and Michael Ross. Reprinted by permission of Wharton School Press.

We believe that there’s a set of fundamental analyses that are foundational for any executive wanting to gain an understanding of the health of their organization’s revenue and profit streams and the feasibility of their growth plans.

Quality Digest

منبع: https://www.qualitydigest.com/inside/customer-care-article/what-do-you-really-know-about-your-customer-base-081723.html

Time and again, we’ve seen how insights derived from these descriptive analyses can have a profound effect on a firm’s operations.

A customer-base audit is a systematic review of the buying behavior of a firm’s customers, using data captured by its transaction systems. The objective is to provide an understanding of how customers differ in their buying behavior and how their buying behavior evolves over time.

If you’re struggling to answer these questions, you are in good company. In our experience, most senior executives are unable to do so, regardless of whether their organization is primarily B2B or B2C, sells products or services, or is a for-profit or nonprofit.

It’s important to note that we’re not talking about “knowing the customer” through the lens of traditional market research. We’re not interested in the demographic profile of our customers. We’re not interested in their attitudes. We’re interested in understanding their actual buying behavior.

A customer-base audit is all about gaining a fundamental understanding of the behavior of the firm’s customers. It involves a serious engagement with the fact that revenue is generated by customers pulling out their wallets and paying for a firm’s products and services, and that any attempt to think about a firm’s revenue streams must start with a good understanding of how customers differ and how their behavior evolves over time.

We call this the customer-base audit.

Customer Care

What Do You Really Know About Your Customer Base?

In an excerpt from The Customer-Base Audit, the authors ask critical questions

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Another reason for failing to undertake these types of analyses is technological barriers, be they real or imagined: “We don’t have the data,” or “It’s too difficult to get the data.” That may have been true 20 years ago, but now it’s a rather hollow excuse. (If you are working in a digitally native company, you have no excuse!)

A nonprofit supported by charitable donations may want to perform the associated analyses for both its financial supporters and the people it serves through its charitable activities. The same applies to two-sided markets, such as Airbnb, that often view both their constituencies (e.g., hosts and guests) as different kinds of customers.

In this excerpt from their book, the authors ask some challenging questions and make the argument that to answer them, you’ll need to conduct your own customer-base audit.