SulfurHound H2S Analyzer Accurately and Quickly Measures Hydrogen Sulfide

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A color, touchscreen LCD provides current reading, previous reading, historical and real-time charts, alarm conditions, procedure prompts, and failure indicators (local and remote). Built for use in Div 2 and Zone 2 hazardous locations, SulfurHound operates without failure or reaction when contacting a process stream. With few moving parts, the gas analyzer is easy to use and requires little maintenance. 

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(KECO: Houston) — Petrochemical gas processing facilities, chemical plants, and the biogas industry can rely on the SulfurHound H2S In-Gas Analyzer to provide accurate, dependable, and cost-effective measurement of hydrogen sulfide in natural gas pipelines, gas wells, and landfills for quality and process control.

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Accurate measurement of hydrogen sulfide (H2S) in natural gas, biogas, and air is critical in meeting air quality standards, preventing pipeline corrosion, eliminating odor, and ensuring public health and safety. For example, refineries measure hydrogen sulfide to protect process equipment and ensure product quality, while gas processors monitor for hydrocarbon leaks in cooling towers, heat exchanges, and condensate boilers. Biogas, produced from the waste products of treatment plants and landfills, creates H2S that must be controlled to avoid harmful odors being emitted into the atmosphere.


SulfurHound H2S Analyzer Accurately and Quickly Measures Hydrogen Sulfide

For natural gas, biogas, and air quality and process control

Many traditional H2S analyzers provide slow responses, resulting in undetected failures and unnecessary downtime. The SulfurHound H2S Analyzer resolves this by providing continuous online analysis based on the electrochemical principle of operation. When analyzing gas, SulfurHound uses an electrochemical detection cell to provide an output proportional to H2S concentration. An output signal is digitized and analyzed by an advanced microprocessor and related software. KECO’s H2S analyzer accurately and quickly measures H2S in real time, giving facility operators critical information needed to treat H2S.

For more information, refer to H2S Gas Analyzer (Hydrogen Sulfide) KECO ( or contact Umberto Cabarrocas at [email protected].


Published: Thursday, August 17, 2023 – 12:01

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