This work was funded, in part, by DEVCOM ARL Army Research Office through the MIT Institute for Soldier Nanotechnologies (ISN), and carried out, in part, using ISN’s and MIT.nano’s facilities.
Going forward, the team plans to use the new rapid testing and analysis method to identify new metamaterial designs in hopes of tagging architectures that can be scaled up to stronger and lighter protective gear, garments, coatings, and paneling.
“What I’m most excited about is showing we can do a lot of these extreme experiments on a benchtop,” Portela says. “This will significantly accelerate the rate at which we can validate new, high-performing, resilient materials.”
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In their experiments, the team suspended tiny printed metamaterial lattices between microscopic support structures, then fired even tinier particles at the materials at supersonic speeds. With high-speed cameras, the team then captured images of each impact and its aftermath with nanosecond precision.
Overall, the team observed that the fired particles created small punctures in the latticed metamaterials, and the materials nevertheless stayed intact. In contrast, when the same particles were fired at the same speeds into solid, nonlatticed materials of equal mass, they created large cracks that quickly spread, causing the material to crumble. The microstructured materials, therefore, were more efficient in resisting supersonic impacts as well as protecting against multiple impact events. And in particular, materials that were printed with the repeating octets appeared to be the most hardy.
The team’s new high-velocity experiments build on their previous work, in which the engineers tested the resilience of an ultralight, carbon-based material. That material, which was thinner than a human hair, was made from tiny struts and beams of carbon that the team printed and placed on a glass slide. They then fired microparticles toward the material at velocities exceeding the speed of sound.
“But there were many questions we couldn’t answer because we were testing the materials on a substrate, which may have affected their behavior,” Portela says.
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An intricate, honeycomb-like structure of struts and beams could withstand a supersonic impact better than a solid slab of the same material. What’s more, the specific structure matters, with some being more resilient to impacts than others.
“We can print and test hundreds of these structures on a single chip,” Portela says.
Punctures and cracks
“In the architected materials, we saw this morphology of small cylindrical craters after impact,” Portela says. “But in solid materials, we saw a lot of radial cracks and bigger chunks of material that were gouged out.”
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